Have You Tried To Quit Smoking Before?
We understand that you may have tried to quit before, probably several times, and this can be frustrating! Quitting smoking is difficult, but it’s also one of the most incredible things you can do so don’t give up! At Nicorette® we are here to help.
Remember - it’s Never Too Late
The health benefits of stopping smoking begin within the very first hour of quitting and you become healthier throughout the following days and weeks. Even if you quit when you are 60, you can help add years to your life. Learn about the different health benefits of quitting smoking.
Learn from your previous quit attempt
If you have quit before, think of it as a positive! You can take all the learnings from last time to ensure this time is different.
Did you get support?
In your last quit attempt, did you use Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)? When you quit smoking you may feel various nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as nicotine cravings, anxiety, headaches or low moods. NRT, like NICORETTE®, can help relieve these withdrawal symptoms and help you fight the urge to smoke. In fact, NICORETTE® can double your chances of successfully quitting smoking versus willpower alone.
Why not try Nicorette dual support and maximize your chance of quitting for good?
Did you know what to do if you had a cigarette?
This time, if you have a setback, we are here to help you get back on track. Lapses can happen, so don’t be too hard on yourself! The most important thing for you to know is how to deal with a setback.
Did you know these 10 top tips for quitting smoking?
In your last quit attempt, were you fully prepared with tips to help you through the journey? We have compiled a list of 10 top tips to help you.
Also, read about how to find a support network to quit smoking here.

Myths about Nicotine & NRT
Worried about nicotine dependence? Think going cold turkey is the most effective way to quit when it actually is not? Get informed so you can plan your quit properly.

10 Tips to Stop Smoking
We understand that quitting smoking is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face. These tips will help keep you motivated and on track.